These are some Frequently Asked Questions, feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions and it might get added to this list.

Are these items legit?
Yes very legit! We acquire most of our product directly from reputable Distributors. For other product that we may potentially acquire from third parties we do our best to vet both the supplier and the product. Having years of experience in the industry we are able to adequately inspect every product and isolate any fakes.

Do I have to pay sales tax?
We currently only have a tax Nexus in Indiana and so only sales that occur in Indiana have to be taxed. Any orders outside of Indiana will not have sales tax added. This is subject to change as the tax laws change.

How come your prices are so competitive?
We currently do not have a marketing budget and rely on word of mouth to reach customers. We also at the moment do not have a physical location. Without those extra costs we are able to pass those savings directly to you.

I just placed an order, now what?
Upon placing an order you should receive an email confirming your order. Most orders are packaged and shipped within 1 business day but it may take us up to 3 business days. Once your order has been shipped you will receive another email with the tracking number so you can track your shipment.

Do you ship internationally?
We currently do not ship internationally due to high shipping costs. The only way we do is if the customer wants to pay for the shipping costs which may be higher than most lower priced items we sell. The most cost effective way for an international order is to include a large order of items. For any inquiries about international shipping please contact us and we will be able to provide a shipping quote.